Jul 24, 2019 | Event, News
On August 16th and 17th the Sacajawea Center is excited to welcome the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes to for the annual Agaidika (salmon eater) Gathering. Each year the tribe visits the Lemhi Valley to commemorate the forced removal of the Agaidika from their homeland in...
Jul 5, 2019 | Event, News, Programs
Join us Tuesday, July 9th for an evening presentation at 7:00pm. Rose Ann Abrahamson of the ‘Agai Dika’ Lemhi Shoshone-Bannock Tribe will be speaking about her tribe’s history in the area. Special guest, Allen Pinkham of the Nez Perce Tribe (and...
Aug 12, 2016 | Event, News, Programs
Agai’dika Heritage Days is just a week away. Here’s our schedule of event. The day is packed full with all sorts of fun activities, talks, and programs for the whole family. Call us with any questions:...
Jul 14, 2016 | Event, Get Involved, News, Outdoor School
On August 12th, 1805 Captain Lewis and 3 men crested the Continental Divide at present day Lemhi Pass and descended into the Lemhi Valley – meeting the local tribe on August 13th. On August 17th, at Camp Fortunate, Sacajawea was reunited with her family. We...