Harvesting Bitterroot

Harvesting Bitterroot

The best time to harvest bitterroot is mid-spring, before its flowers have begun to form. So last week, on a sunny morning, we set out to collect some bitterroot that will be used at the Outdoor School this season. Bitterroot was a staple food for the...
Seeking Summer Staff

Seeking Summer Staff

The Sacajawea Center is seeking summer staff to help support all aspects of operations.  We will be filling one of the following positions: a part-time Interpretive Specialist or a full time Education and Ancestral Skills Intern. The Center is an exciting place to...
Docent Training Begins!

Docent Training Begins!

On Monday, April 4th the Sacajawea Center’s dedicated volunteers will gather to begin our annual docent training. Docents at the Sacajawea Center spend one, 4-hour shift a week in our interpretive center, welcoming visitors to the site, answering questions, and...

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